PPS Skoda makes every effort to ensure, but cannot and does not guarantee, and makes no warranties as to the accuracy, accessibility, integrity, and timelines of the contents described in the Website. The contents of the Website are meant only for information purposes and not meant to take (or refrain from making) any decision or take (or refrain from taking) any action. PPS Skoda assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors omissions or inaccuracies in the contents of the Website and further disclaims any liability of any nature for any loss howsoever caused in connection with using the website. While PPS Skoda makes every effort to ensure that any software or information to be downloaded from the Website is free of viruses, however, it cannot guarantee that the software or information is free from any or all viruses. PPS Skoda is not responsible for any loss or damage however caused by the software and related codes, including viruses and worms. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable laws, PPS Skoda disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. PPS Skoda does not warrant that the functions contained in the Website will be uninterrupted.